Jack, Anais, Xander, Dagr, Miri (cameo), Dantus (cameo) Jack smiled, half ignoring what Dagr was saying and half thinking about what instrument would be good for his hefty friend. As his Dagr too started to look at the instruments, Jack was filled with happiness. He was about to suggest that he try the drums, when Dagr looked over and greeted his club mates. He listened until he heard a jab at his musical talents. “Hey!” Jack said with a pout before he saw a large hand reaching up to him. As the large hand grabbed him, he squirmed around trying to make Dagr loose his grip. Dagr being the wrestler that he was had a rather strong grip, and despite Jack’s attempts he couldn’t shimmy away. “I believe this belongs to you.” As Jack hit the ground he stood back up and turned to face the giant. “Firstly, my music is amazing, thank you very much” He starts as he folds his arms. “And secondly, I would never be owned by people like them. I am no common house dog, I am a proud wolf!” He says as he strikes a pose of pride and wonder. His proud monologue was cut off by the sound of a booming voice coming from across the way. He looked over to see the towering teacher, only slightly smaller than his large friend, yelling at some poor student. Then Jack thought he recognized a name. “Soze…” Jack said to himself as he thought for a second. Then it hit him. “Miri!” He said as he looked over with a smile. “She probably went and tried to sleep with someone again” He says as he pokes his tongue out at his tall friend. Jack then remembered what Dagr was saying before he decided to recruit him. “Oh yea, you said you broke you key didn't you?” He asked his tall friend as he pulled out his key. He walked over and grabbed his guitar, putting it in its case before picking it up. “If you are going to the room I will come with you.” He says with a smile. “I need to grab a couple things”