[hider=Aquaman] Superhero Name: Aquaman Civilian Identity: Arthur Curry/Orin Appearance: [img=http://th01.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2014/021/0/c/aquaman_the_king_of_atlantis_by_kyomusha-d737hfs.png] Powers and Abilities: Water adapted physiology grants him superhuman strength, endurance, durability, reflexes, agility, healing and senses. Enhanced swimming speed. Marine telepathy that grants the ability to communicate with sea life. Able to speak and understand any language on earth thanks to telepathic abilities. Exceptional martial artist, having been trained in Atlantean combat techniques, and trained with the Justice League. Has mastered both unarmed fighting and the use of his Trident in combat. Natural leadership abilities, as well as a mind for tactics, strategy, politics and statecraft. Atlantean royalty, which grants him diplomatic immunity while on land. Weapon of choice is his Trident (crafted by the first king of Atlantis) It's indestructible, and able to hurt even the toughest of opponents, or cut through the sturdiest of barriers. Said to be the most powerful among a set of Atlantean weapons, Aquaman is always carrying it with him as a symbol of his authority and a deadly weapon if the need arises. Biography: Born Arthur Curry to an American human lighthouse keeper of Amnesty Bay named Tom Curry and an Atlanna, of the Royal family of Atlantis, Aquaman has long struggled with his mixed origins. Tom was forced to raise his son alone as Atlanna left the family to sit the throne of Atlantis when the Arthur was still a babe. Although he always knew who his mother was and of the responsibilities of that necessitated her leaving him, it still hurt Arthur that she had abandoned him. As he grew, so to did his powers. Tom, though he loved his son dearly, was ill equipped to handle this situation, so he called in an expert. Dr Stephen Shin was one of the world premier marine biologists, but had been discredited after real easing a thesis on the supposed existence of an underwater kingdom named Atlantis. Shin was ecstatic when Tom introduced him to his son. Arthur was living proof of Atlantis. Although the Dr helped the Curry's he was also gathering intel to prove his previous statements. Arthur's world is turned upside down when his father is attacked and killed by a mystery assailant. Days later, almost before he has even had a chance to grieve, Shin reveals his research on Arthur to the world. The media instantly begin to humiliate Arthur, sarcastically calling him 'Aquaman' in reference to what they see as his useless powers. Arthur, hurt and betrayed by the surface world after these events, abandons it. He enters the seas, intending to find Atlantis. Years later he resurfaces, a changed man. Now king of Atlantis, he joins several other heroes to repulse the forces of Darkseid and form the iteration of the Justice League. While a celebrated hero in his own right Aquaman still finds himself the butt of many jokes. While he tries not to let other people's small mindedness bother him he does occasionally find the lack of respect irksome and insulting, especially after all the good he tries to do. [/hider]