[quote=GunnerRecall] well im certainly interested to know what types of rp you do. and i mainly read r.a.salvatore's works but i jump out of that niche every once in a while. i just like the way he writes. anyway. the rest of the rules are pretty similar to my own, and im just checking in to see if were compatible in some way. :] and yeah, by the way, you said "quantity over quality" :P [/quote] The types of RP's I'm into varies really on what I'm craving. For pairings I'm really down for anything except like MotherxSon or FatherxDaughter. Genre wise I love high fantasy, medieval and I'm really getting into Horror. I play Fandoms also as long as they are with OC's, I don't mind OC's [i]based[/i] off of other characters but not the actual characters themselves that's like a huge deal for me. Uh...I've tried writing in third person and have had one successful roleplay with it but haven't found another partner willing to do it since then =(, I play Mature themed roleplay not SMUT I like story and character development and I feel adding sex into the story just makes it a little better but not when it's the main focus. (Lol idk if that answered some questions but if I didn't I'd love to keep going xD)