Hello, Maiden. Please excuse any mistakes in the following message, for it was written on my phone. We meet again, fair maiden XD In the event that you do not remember me, I am the same Headphones as the one from the old guild, the person whose sinful "Dance of Light and Shadow" role-play vanished into infinity. The setting of the story you have presented before us today has piqued my interest. If I may be so honest to point out, I have known about "Twisted Redux" for some time, because of El_Tigre, one of your role-players, and did take the liberty of reading the first page of the IC. Indeed, the cast is rather colourful and I did intend to message you, in order to ask if there was a free spot for a new addition, however, due to personal reasons, I could not give enough time to the virtual world. With all of my matters now settled, I indend to submit an application sometime this week or at the beginning of the next. I intend to create a male character diagnosed with Multiple Personality Disorder (Dissociative Identity Disorder) and a couple of other conditions. Hopefully, he shall be acceptably insane =3