Took me two times too. Let me tell you about my first driving test. I had this really strict lady, although it turned out it didn't matter who I had. Pulling out the test centre was fine, taking left on a roundabout was fine... then she told me to turn right to go past a school. My test was at lunchtime. That road was full of parked cars, and there was a van coming the other way. The van stopped to let me past, even though I wasn't confident enough to pass. The examiner told me to get a move on. The examiner grabbed the wheel before I hit the parked car to my left. Miraculously the test continued dispite failing within 3 minutes of starting, and we carried on. I hit a curb, was in the left hand lane of a one way street turning right (remember in the UK our roads are backwards) then proceeded to drive at 10mph slower than the speed limit in the fast lane of a duel carrageway. The examiner about threw me out the car once we got back. Well, if you're gonna fail you may as well do it in style. Somehow I passed my second test with only seven minors.