Oh, right, before I actually post with Arp. I forgot to note one thing. Doesn't change much, but it's noteworthy. The hard light constructs can be suspended in the air like platforms. I suppose they have a weight limit before they fall, but it'd likely be very high. Depending on the number of supports put up to actually hold it there, or whether its just floating in mid air. Edit: I went ahead and did the numbers. [b]Hard Light Suspended Constructs:[/b] More bracers can be placed, but after 4 it becomes impractical. These can be converted into other constructs, et cetera. Each pair of braces takes one turn to create, the hovering platform itself is instantaneous. [list] [*]Suspended Platform, no braces/fioating: (R)100 lbs - (B)250 lbs - (G)500 lbs[/*] [*]Suspended Platform, 2 braces: (R)500 lbs - (B)750 lb - (G)1,000 lbs[/*] [*]Suspended Platform, 4 braces, (R)1,000 lbs - (B)1500 lbs - (G)2,000 lbs[/*] [/list]