Superhero Name: Shifter Civilian Identity: Walter Chuck Warner Appearance: [hider=appearance][img][/img][/hider] Powers and Abilities: shape-shifting: Walter has the ability to alter his molecules and cellular structure which allows him transform into pretty much anything he can think of, this includes both animate and inanimate objects. When he transforms into things that normally are not alive, he can still talk and move as if it is alive, for example if Walter was to change into a sandwich then he would still be able to see, hear, and talk as if the sandwich was alive. he also not limited to real things, he loves shape-shifting into fictional characters but doesn't have any of their abilities. when he needs to get somewhere fast, Walt transforms into vehicles and sometimes even missiles and rockets to increase the speed of his traveling. his shape-shifting abilities also allows him to partially transform his body and gain power from the partial transformation such as turning his skin into extremely dense metals, and making himself very gooey to protect him from fatal attacks, he can sometimes even push the limit by turning his body density into air. He can also alter the size of the things he changes into, but he does have a limit on the maximum size of the transformation, the biggest he can have his transformation is the size of a sauropod dinosaur. Biography: Walt was a boy who grew up on hilarious cartoons such as the Loony Tunes, Disney shorts and Tom&Jerry. His childhood was spent mostly buy thinking up many ideas for cartoons that he planned to create when he was older. At one point during his high school junior year, Walt went on a school trip to a cartoon studio and he was fascinated at witnessing the process of crafting cartoons. The people at the studio showed them a special type ink that was made from a combination of chemicals. The weather soon started to change and a thunderstorm started up. While Walter was holding a bottle of the special ink, a lightning bolt went through the window and the bottle. Walt was hit by a huge amount of electricity and the chemicals in the ink slashed onto him, altering his body's cells and molecular structure. The next thing he knew, he awoke in a hospital and was told that it was a miracle that he was still alive and not permanently injured. After he was let out of the hospital, he soon discovered that he had the ability to shapeshift into all sorts of things. Not too long afterwards, he decided to become a costumed crime fighter and took the name Shifter. His heroic exploits eventually had become a sidekick to the hero Animal Man, although his goofy personality can be annoying to his mentor. After about several years of doing heroics with Animal Man, Walt decided to became a hero of his own and joined the Justice League to become a great asset to saving the world. other: He prefers to be called Walt, and his name full name is a combination of Walt Disney, Chuck Jones and Warner Bros.