[center][B][U]Arkaeis[/U][/B] - [I]Avatar of the Living Abyss[/I][/center] Senses notified, Arkaeis moved none at all to locate the individual entering the planet's atmosphere. Following its progress as well as that of hundreds of other individuals, the avatar watched as the city reacted to the many expanding orbs. Smiling softly, Arkaeis turned to an area where the authorities were attempting to contain one of the constructs. It amused him to see that their stasis fields and multilayered barriers had little effect, only slowing the process till they too were engulfed by the destructive essence. Shaking his head and shifting his perception again he found his senses focused once more on the newcomer. [B]"Hmmm?"[/B] A slight look of confusion flashed across his features before his smile returned and his eyes deepened with interest. The beam hit the orb, and a strange reaction occurred. The orb grew faster and then seemed to collapse inwards, imploding violently on itself and creating a brief atmospheric vacuum within several yards of its location. His smile became a smirk as he raised his hand, snapped his fingers, and called back around 50% of the other orbs, returning their energy to his form even while he moved to his top speed before decelerating almost instantaneously around twenty yards away from the one who had just managed to disrupt the balance of one of his many constructs. [B]"Greetings,"[/B] Arkaeis stated with smooth voice and serene expression, he appeared quite pleased to have come across the man. [B]"I see you have so kindly assisted the Ryllans...interesting. I suppose you are not aware of their ways, I take it. Or are you aligned with them? It would be wonderful if you were of a considerable rank in their society. It'd make this encounter all the more meaningful...for me at least."[/B] His perception shifted, allowing him to view light as most humans do, in combination with electrical impulses and chemical shifts in his surroundings and those within it. Twitching slightly as he noticed the movement of the electromagnetic spectrum, energies, and other such occurrences in his surroundings. Thus he decided to filter this once more, removing such from his perception for the moment and simply viewing the interactions within James' body. Ignoring the chemicals in the air and in those making up the surrounding structures, he observed with intense, but nigh undetectable, scrutiny the man who might become either ally or enemy at a moment's notice. In preparation for an attack of some kind, Arkaeis altered the polarity of his own skin, shifting it from a malleable interweave of solid-liquid state with a neutral polarity, to a negative polarity. As he did so, he gathered voidal energies beneath his skin, but above his equivalent of muscles, shifting it to a negative polarity as well and keeping it in its non-manifested state till it was necessary to manifest it in its more physicalized form. As such, he had prepared himself for defense if he were attacked, and as it did not seem that his opponent was armed, it would be to his advantage to prepare for combat of the direct melee variety. Regardless of the man's decision and disposition, the interaction would prove to be interesting. Afterall, the man was infused with voidal essence...he could [I]sense[/I] that much.