[quote=Grey] Basically they're not 'just' a delinquent organization. It's like the mafia, but all magitek. Or hell, it could be some government black-ops division from Cael or Pit. The exact specifics aren't too necessary, just that they have a science division that would kidnap students for the sake of testing.Basically, I figure they're doing it to create like, a really powerful series of supersoldiers/ability users/anti-ability usersAs for a name... Fucked if I know. Not good with names, really [/quote] "Hey guys, we have managed to create technology that can repliate and copy magic and ESPer powers so we are going to kidnap the students with the most potential and replicate their abilities for our use." Good enough I'll say they are a mafia that "sell" powers to black markets (the tribes in terrene are good buyers). The name could be something sneaky like "Kresvcho corps" which in paper is dedicated to international banking and trade organization. The leader could be a satyr (beastman) whose father was originally from Верный and has some russian sounding name, Russian mafia is cool and different