Marmalade looked over surprised. She hadn't even noticed there was another person here. Seriously, where were they coming from?! One at least was after the reward. "60/40? I don't think so." Marmalade replied. She was not getting low balled by some stranger. Then again.. Marmalade looked at everyone gathered here. They were all strangers. However, even half the money would help her get started, and who is to say she can actually kill the beast herself? She was about to speak when the boy started to before her. To her not-so-surprise, he had no idea where he was. "Really? You don't know you are right next to a town? Seles?" She more stated than asked and rolled her eyes. She watched the boy, Tyron, pull out the biggest sword she had ever seen. It was bigger than he was! Marmalade smirked, not so docile, are we? "My name is Mara." She lied. She hated telling people her real name. There was no way she was going to tell these warriors she was named after jelly. Just thinking about it made her mad. Her tail twitched slightly in her annoyance.