Hiiiiiiiii~~!! ~BOING!!!~ Oh this sounds rather cooool!! YAYS!! ^-^! K, soooooooo first off, I answered no to 2 outta 3 of those questions up^ there. Like I dun like to be mean to muh charries, I dun find it amusing to see muh charrie suffer, BUT!! This bunny is looking for a long-term, advanced roleplay that gives free rein to muh creativity and... yush, sure, muh 'dark side' too. I'm actually more bonkers-like than dark! ;D Right. So I do have a charrie that dint get as far as I wanted her to go. And since this RP is a 'redux' then I will redux her tooooo~~^-^! She is an angel! Awwww... But not just any angel! Nupe! She rose to become an ArchAngel! But for her redux, she is having some... wulp, she's been eating her enemies hearts and brains 'cuz she just found out that angels do NOT have souls and she thinks that doing such nasty things will grow some kind of soul in her too. Like ArchAngels can be brutal and nasty; they're generals of heavenly armies afterall, but this is waaaaaay toooooo much. So her ArchAngel bros love her and did like an intervention and had her committed to the Osmond Institute. So, yeah, there's muh concept. ^^ K, so like I've only read the first page of OOC so far and checked out the other charries. And so like, if ya think muh concept is up to snuffs then we can discuss more and I'll start up reading the IC, k? Right. ~Later~~!! ;D