"Woah woah woah woah woah... waaait a minute..." Raena dropped down from the branch -- nearly falling on Mara --, shaking debris loose from the ends of her hair as she righted herself. "You mean to tell me there's a monster out here?" She flailed uselessly, only managing to nearly hit Mara with her hands. "An' you all are just wandering about uselessly," --more flailing-- "and half of you don't even seem to know where you are going or where you even are..?!" She stared at them all incredulously. "huh... I wonder how I missed flyers about a monster AND a town.. I must be farther from Lohan than I thought.." With this she began to mutter to herself (see: talk to herself as Raena doesn't really have a "quiet" tone..) about how she /SWORE/ she was only a few days travel away from Lohan despite having been out of the city for quite a few months. Where did she take a wrong turn? Maybe the mountain she camped in was the wrong one? There was a monster out here? Neat! Would it want to make friends? HOLY COW THAT'S A BIG SWORD! ... Mara's hair looks tasty.... Can't quite place why....