It was fitting that the Sankage, the most powerful person in one of the most powerful nations, had chosen to represent her village personally in the trade. What was not fitting, however, was her assumptions about Takumi. She had fallen exactly into the attitude that he had hoped to inspire in those he could conceivably consider his rivals. Her ignorance of his ignorance was, in its own little way, ironic and laughable, but Takumi did not laugh. It would have been unwise to underestimate the Sankage, her daughter, or her assistant. None of them would dare attack on the Isle of Chūsei - the peace treaty that had been signed had clear ramifications for any that would dare break the truce - but there were other ways to be underhanded. Other ways to wage the war that gripped every society that had ever existed - the war of information. No society was without its secrets, and those secrets were the treasure of every other society. Those who did not participate in the game were its unwitting pawns, and those who did wagered a risky reward. Life and death hung in the balance, even in the neutral isle - but whose lives was less clear than in an open war. That was what the most intellectual players of the game enjoyed. "Shodai Sankage Hyakuyondaime Hokage Yotogodaime Tanikage Shichishodai Shikata Ayameko," Takumi began, returning the gesture and bowing, "Lady Touzoku," he repeated the gesture, "and Lady Yoriko." and again he gestured. The tone was a little obsequious, but sounded thoroughly sincere - and it was. Formality and good business ethic despite one's personal opinions were the most stable bricks with which to lay a healthy foundation, and there was no structure ever built that could survive for any meaningful length of time without a stable foundation. Whether or not each party returned the gesture was meaningless, but he doubted that they would abstain. Every action and non-action alike were considered by those on formal meetings with emissaries of other countries, regardless of their status within that country - and Takumi knew that Touzoku and Ayameko both knew that. He assumed Kei did as well, given that she was travelling with the Sankage. "I trust your trip to the Isle was comfortable?" he asked, simply because it was expected despite its banal nature, and did not wait long for a response. If there was a response, it would likely be only a few words. He would reciprocate if asked the question in return, but it was not too likely that that would happen - still, it was his job to be prepared for everything. "I trust you are still interested in the shipment of chakra-forged iron I have? Ten tonnes, though another five are being produced to be sold shortly thereafter." Takumi began, flicking through an ominously large book in front of him as he did so.