"I..... I don't know... I just still think Odin doesn't care, even when I have been ill in the past, I do not remember him by my side,not even sure hes been there when I have been at my worst." Loki just looked sad. "Ah and I know hes been by your side when you got ill or hurt anytime.' He wasn't sure if there was something he just didn't remember. Loki tried to cheer himself up. He didn't want to cry more. He was trying to find reasons not to. But his brother had asked what was wrong. He sneezed and turned away from Thor. "Ugh." He groaned "OH please kill me now." He was feeling awful and being dramatic. "Though I know that did happen Thor, the healers said you might not remember much because your fever was so high then, That and you did bump your head then too." He smiled gently, "Oh and you don't brag too much? And well yeah I know you can't sit still. I doubt you would with a movie." He grinned. He really was glad to be able to joke with his brother. "Is that another reason you took off home yesterday?" He teased. LOki knew it was hard to not pick on THor. He looked at Tony "Alright... I think I will need help." He coughed. "I feel as if I may fall over." He wasn't sure he could stand up yet. However he was still afriad of a replase of illness. "I am afriad my illness might relaspe It happens..," He knew Thor would be able to comfirm that. LOki just knew that was normally when his illness could get worse. He coughed a bit. Unaware his fever was creeping back up on him. He closed his eyes and then opened. "Fresh air would be nice, I feel like its such a rare thing for me now. After being locked up and then sick." He sighed a bit. Loki was lost in thought.