Pleased that his guest is smiling too Viltez turns his gaze forward as he listens to the man talk about nature. He's a little confused about the comment on who might be listening, but he shrugs it off as a cultural thing he'll want to ask about later. For now however he smile smiles and nos, watching the clothes flutter in the breeze. In the distance signs of the village coming to life greet his ears and eyes as columns of smoke begin to rise from houses here and there. [i]'It's time for mothers to be waking, preparing meals for their little ones and husbands as they continue to be lost in their dream lands. Some fathers will be rising too, getting ready for a hard day at work, the toil of their backs earning them what they need to keep their families happy and healthy'[/i] His gaze turns to the man next to him, his mind trying to make a good guess about his age. [i]'I wonder if he's got family somewhere. Or if he will have one some day. I mean, he is beautiful, even just in a shirt without his adornments. He could get himself a good wife some day. The children taking after either of them. Maybe one day setting of to foreign lands to explore like their father'[/i] His eyes linger on the man far too long, until at last he realizes he staring and coughs lightly, looking away. Pushing off he checks the clothing one last time, smiling as he finds them now dry. [i]'Looks like the breeze got them done quickly. I'm glad. I need to get started on breakfast and then I've got some odd jobs in town today'[/i] He glances at his guest before scooping up his basket. [i]'I wonder what he'll be up to today. I don't mind him if he follows me around, even if that will be boring for him. But I don't suppose I can assume that. Perhaps I should tell him about some good places to check out around town. Yeah, I'll do that. . .'[/i] Carefully pulling the clothes off the line he resolves to also invite him along on his daily rounds. [i]'It's only polite to give him the option, after all'[/i] Once all the clothing is in the basket he smiles at Aryx. “Could you get the door for me? It's harder to get the door open like this.” He nods towards the basket in his arms happily while walking towards his front door.