So... Here's my Green Lantern, then. Hope she's okay. ^^; • Superhero Name: Green Lantern • Civilian Identity: Eilidh MacLeod • Appearance: [url=]Kind of crappy, but oh well.[/url] She's... Short, at about 150cm/4'11". • Powers and Abilities: As a member of the Green Lantern Corps, Eilidh is equipped with a Power Ring. With this, she is able to produce hardlight constructs limited only by her imagination, as well as fly and fire energy blasts. The ring also works as a universal translator, allowing her to understand all known languages as well as translating anything she says. However, despite having undergone basic training on Oa, Eilidh has yet to realise the full potential of the ring's powers; she currently limits herself to rather simple constructs when her imagination makes her capable of so much more if only she would realise the ring was actually capable of making more complex structures. The ring must be recharged every 24 hours, otherwise it will be rendered little more than a piece of costume jewelry until such time that it is charged again. Having been selected as a member of the Corps, Eilidh is naturally almost superhumanly brave and possesses immense willpower. She is somewhat skilled in both armed and unarmed combat, but her technique is unrefined as she simply learned it on the street and has had no formal martial arts training. • Personality: Hot tempered, aggressive and almost perpetually angry. It's as though she has far too much anger to properly contain in such a small body, causing it to spill out at random intervals. She's not a bad person, though; she genuinely wishes to help uphold the law and, above all, protect the weak. She hates anyone who uses their power to tread on the weak and helpless, and will show no mercy against them. The only thing she hates more than people like that are those who make fun of her size or mistake her for a child sidekick (for reference, she's 19 despite looking about 14 due to how short and underdeveloped she is). Despite her fiery, confrontational nature, once she befriends you you've made a friend for life... Just don't expect her to be polite about it. • Biography: Once, Eilidh was simply a trainee police officer from the Scottish city of Glasgow. Despite always wanting to become a law enforcer, her temper coupled with the fact that she lived in Glasgow led to her getting into a lot of fights when she was younger; not that she regrets her days as a street punk, though, as she believes it helped her not only hone her aggression towards those who deserved it but taught her not to fear anyone. After all, no matter how big or tough someone was, they all went down eventually. Now entering adulthood, her life changed forever one night when an alien craft crashlanded nearby and called her to the fatally wounded pilot. Revealing himself to be a member of an intergalactic law enforcement agency, with his dying breath he passed on his ring and a strange lantern to the hotheaded young woman, telling her that she would soon be contacted by the Guardians of the Universe who would explain things in more detail. Soon enough, she got the call, and to her surprise and annoyance was brought to the planet Oa to undergo basic training. After seperating her from the pile of Green Lanterns that she had roughed up whilst looking for a more direct explanation, a towering alien drill instructor named Kilowog explained to her (after she regained consciousness; she was being rather uncooperative before he knocked her out) in more detail what the dying alien had only vaguely mentioned: that she was now part of the Green Lantern Corps, and it was her duty to ensure the safety and uphold the law in Sector 2814. After underdoing the behemoth's hellish training, she not only learned how to use her ring but also developed a kind of vitriolic respect for the drill sergeant. After completing basic training, she was sent back to Earth, where she currently operates as both Green Lantern and as a "special" police officer. She has made no attempt to hide her identity, as whilst other heroes worry about what would happen to their loved ones if their identity was revealed, other heroes don't live in [i]Glasgow[/i]; and not even the most insane lunatic would try and start something with Glasgow.