Nightmare in Paradise: [hider=Mei Tachibana][center][img=] [b]Mei Tachibana[/b] [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Personality:[/b] Curiosity is her main feature. She yearns for new experiences and knowledge. Be careful though, she is libel to get herself into dangerous situations and is way too naive for her own good. She is friendly, kind, and too easily trusts everyone she meets. [b]History:[/b] She was often bullied by people at her high school, although she was unaware of their jabs behind her back. She was teased for her lack of a chest area, and often called a pushover or a people-pleaser. [b]Open for romance:[/b] Yes [b]Sexuality:[/b] Pansexual (No preference for neither woman nor man, just loves who she loves.) [b]Other:[/b] You can also trust her with your life. She will never betray a promise or the people she cares about.[/center][/hider]