(Lol sorry for no posting, thought you guys were gonna continue but I might aswell) [i]"Wait up!"[/i] The girl from earlier came running after Fuaad and Jake. [i]"I'm going with you. To make sure you don't run off with our supplies. Jonathan may trust you but you haven't proven nothin' yet, you hear?"[/i] she said, eyeing the two suspiciously. The energy of a teenager was evident in the way she acted. Obvious, even. [i]"Besides you two look kinda lost. I have a map of the underground, we'll get to Hoxton and back quick as lightning."[/i] Without waiting for the two, she journeyed onwards, out into the tunnels. Personally, she liked leading. She liked feeling like she had some sort of authority. All her life nobody took her opinion into account because she was "just a kid", but now she felt in command, and she loved it. [i]"Oh and I'm Shirley by the way. Shirley Blackwall."[/i]