[quote=RusalkaRabbit] [2] foreverI honestly think his mysogyny is incidental. I definitely agree that his views about women were fueled by how our culture is as a whole, but I think that if it hadn't been women, then he would have found someone or something else to hate. [/quote] Totally agree with this. I understand that what he said spoke to what a lot of women go through, but I felt like that was somewhat of a red herring for the 'causes' discussion. The root cause has and always will be prescribing drugs to people from a very young age. Let's absolutely fuck with the brainchemistry of people whose brains are still developing, surely nothing will go wrong. Between this guy, sandy hook, and aurora, the common factor was medication for behavioral disorders. I'm not saying it's all bad and terrible, I know a lot of people have found relief and the ability to function from medication, but giving it to kids throughout their childhood and then not expecting some disastrous consequences when they're adults is really problematic.