So like I have been wanting to do some roleplays but it seems a lot of people who call themselves casual really belong in the free section and it kills my buzz. I need and crave something to really let my mind loose, but I can only do so much to what another person can give me. I have a sample for a potential story that could go in so many different directions its scary! [hider=my spoiler]A bland room of stone and silence, dimly lit by candles. The only sound that could be heard was ragged irregular breathing. A wet cough interrupted the breathing as some trickles of spit and blood trickled down the man's black beard. The man was sitting down with his back up against the wall next to a giant metal door. He leaned back groaning, exposing his blood stained teeth in a painful grin as he grimaced. [b]“Foolish.”[/b] he gasped out loud to the darkness. The metal door shuddered as something heavy struck the door beside him. His brown eyes didn't even move towards the sound. The man weakly moved his hand up to the blood soaked part of his shirt and glanced down at his bloody hand. He briefly tried to rise but it was no use. His legs no longer obeyed him. The man shivered slightly. He was growing cold. He turned his head to the right to glance at the door and chuckled. [b]“Trapped you....”[/b] He whispered as more blood splattered the floor in a final coughing fit. The man's body slumping before finally sprawling out in front of the metal door. The door shuddered violently and a echoing roar shattered the empty silence. The darkness knew its source of escape had perished. [/hider] I am also open to other ideas tho. I don't want just something simple I wanna create a world a history something deeper.