After finishing her coffee, Alexis' headset was pinged by the escort: "Cap'n, I have a small chunk grappled, bringing it to the barn." Nodding for herself, she instructed the fighter to dump it in one of the hangar racks for now and return to patrol. "Dr. Ishpetyr, the 302s recovered a piece of the debris we've just flown through, if your department wants to have a look at it. It'll be waiting for you in rack 3 in the hangar." she told the doctor before making her way across the ship to the med bay to check on the wounded crew. While it was awful to see any of them in such shape, she now had a strike team without it's leader. Deciding to deal with that first, she went to the storage room to fetch what she would need and to her quarters to sign the appropriate paperwork before finally making her way to the briefing room. West waited outside and let Miller finish, satisfied with her choice. Entering the room, she walked up to the soldier. "Corporal Miller. While the condition of Sgt. Aldurren is regrettable, I can not leave a strike team without it's head. Effective immediately, I am promoting you to the rank of Sergeant. You are now in command of TS-1." she said, handing him the appropriate insignia. Just as she did so, she received a call that the bridge was repaired. "Get your team ready, you'll deploy as soon as we bring the transporters online. Now if you excuse me." she said and headed for the door. "XO, damage control reports we can move back to the bridge. Any of the crew giving you trouble?" she asked, heading for the command deck. when the crew arrived, She instructed Astridh to beam TS-1 down when they report ready.