Leona quickly covered Joseph as the scene unfolded, only relaxing when the pretty girl and the large men were far gone into the darkness. She noticed a few interesting-looking individuals follow not far behind. She turned to Joseph and knelt beside him. "Go home. Go straight to your mother. Don't leave her sight until morning. If things settle down, I'll be back soon, okay? I swear." She added the last bit when she saw his disappointed frown. She smiled and ruffled his hair, then ran off in the direction that some of the others had gone. [i]I hope I can keep my promise[/i], she thought. Leona stayed close to the shadows, moving at a fast but steady pace. She saw that one or two people ahead of her had the exact same idea. Not too far ahead, the men and the cute girl where standing, facing a red-headed boy and a boy with blue hair, along with some of the other interesting people she saw follow in earlier. They seemed to be confused. She stopped in the shade of a tall building and took out her bow, picking an arrow and getting ready to draw it back. She stood in a defensive position, eager to attack if need be.