@Beowulf: I don't remember ever seeing you, but if you say you recall seeing me somewhere then alright, cool. I read your post about half an hour ago at first, and while I liked that your character could add an interesting dynamic to this RP I couldn't think of any reason a photographer would be needed for the sake of the storyline. After thinking for a few minutes I think I might have a place for you, so go ahead and start on your CS and I'll let you know if it needs tweaking. @Berry: Good to hear. Like I said, I'm not doing this exactly like the stalker games, so specifics on items are somewhat open to you guys. Of course you'll have the generic medical supplies, and each medkit has all of the basic first-aid stuff (meaning a bandage, surgical tape, gauze pads, latex gloves, an ice pack, antiseptic pads, painkillers, things like that (army medkits will additionally include morphine)). Bear in mind, I'm not going to make your character healthy if he gets shot in the leg, even if you use 10 medkits. The medkits will keep you from bleeding out and getting an infection, but now you've got a broken leg, so unless you've got some morphine or a healing artifact, or you can build a splint, you're not going anywhere without having someone carry you. But, like I said, I'm mostly interested in story progression, so I won't let you guys get severely injured unless A. you're asking for it, or B. it fits with the story progression.