Momoko was late. Twirling her treasured parasol around one finger, she ran to the foyer. As she finally arrived, white hair strewn everywhere and cyan eyes shining like a rabid dog, the others were already bowing. She quickly tried to do the same, even joining in the chorus of "Madam." If only she hadn't stopped in the kitchen on the way here to taste tonight's soup! And salad! And pudding! Okay, so she loved tasting and eating... trying in vain to smooth out her messy hair, Momoko smiled sheepishly as she closed her eyes, trying to feign innocence. However, she gasped in spite of herself as she saw the nearly dead fox. The wordless maid put both hands to her mouth to show her dismay, which Lady Constance easily picked up. "It's not dead. Now, all of you, take it to the wash and clean it up a bit. After you've done your best to treat it, give our new guest a place to sleep in one of the guest bedrooms. I'm sure they'll tell us exactly what happened when they wake up." She instructed slowly. Sakuya and Momoko nodded as Constance slowly walked out of the room, probably to read a book or embroider something. "Well? What are you waiting for?" Sakuya prodded as he stared straight at Momoko. Swallowing slowly, the kurakasa tucked her treasured white parasol in the nook of her elbow and hesitantly crouched down next to the wounded youkai. In a last-ditch attempt to escape her fate, she shot a desperate look to Sakuya, who just arched a dark pink eyebrow. Breathing out in a huff, Momoko took the fox into her arms and hoisted him up. Cringing and sticking her tongue out, she said nothing but ran like a madwoman to the nearest bathroom. "MOMOKO!" Sakuya called, running a few moments later. "CALM DOWN, YOU'LL RUN INTO SOMETHING!" But she wasn't listening. Groaning in misery, Momoko struggled with the knob a bit more before accepting that someone was in the shower. Based on the upbeat off-key pop songs coming from inside, Davis was washing himself of the caked mud, grime and blood. She then continued to run down the long hallways until she came to another bathroom, thanking the gods when it swung wide open. To her surprise, Sakuya was already there. "What took you so long, Momoko?" He demanded impatiently. Pouting, she held out the fox and sakuya dipped him in the warm soapy water, unsure if the fox would fight or wake. "Be prepared to use that umbrella of yours." Momoko shot him an angry glare. It wasn't an umbrealla- it was a wax-paper parasol! She waved it once in the air for good measure, causing a bottle of soap to pump itself once and smear onto Hiroshi, quickly foaming up and making him look like a lamb.