Most people would probably have more sense than to continue taunting such a monstrous being, however Black Jack oddly found some kind enjoyment out of it. The Executioner’s frustrated comment provoked an amused laugh. “Hahahaha! Could I be any gayer? Well of course I could.” He narrowed his eyes on The Executioner and changed his more playful tone of voice to a hushed more suggestive one. “Would you… like for me to show you?” But instead of addressing the comment, The Executioner continued making his case, for lack of a better word, and Black Jack listened. The more he listened, the more he believed that The Executioner was just an angry person in general, an angry person with an abundance of weaponry, armor and probably strength to match. Someone that dangerous could be quite frightening when left to their own devices but that was a concern for the authorities, or a small army. Black Jack was many things but he wasn't a fool. The fact that The Executioner ignored his request to open the briefcase and tossed it to the ground for him to do instead, set off an alarm. Either the briefcase was rigged or The Executioner was also ignorant to its contents and didn't want to be the test dummy that opened it. ‘So? We got a deal or what?’ The Executioner asked. Black Jack stepped onto the briefcase with one foot as it was slid over to him, eyeing it with a cocked brow. Glancing up from the case, he noticed The Executioner fidgeting or scratching himself and he made his decision quickly. “Okay, but first how’s about a little kiss.” He teased. Leaning forward at first, he swiftly and nimbly leapt into a handspring over The Executioner’s weapon, briefly landing in a handstand on top of the giant’s head of all places. Giving the helmet an upside down kiss, he then completed the handspring by pushing himself off of the helmet and onto the nearby armored vehicle. He rolled across the roof of the truck but before he could properly erect himself, the briefcase exploded. The sheer force of the blast pushed him further, rolling off of the opposite side of the truck and safely into a small nook between the truck and the adjacent building. The armored truck provided a buffer for him and absorbed the brunt of the blast, luckily leaving him only a little banged up. ~Well that was some kiss!.~ He thought as he exhaled and rolled his neck. He decided not to stick around after the explosion for several reasons, so after The Executioner had recovered, he would find that Black Jack was no where to be found.