[b]Suishō and Shadan[/b] The border between Yamagakure and Kyokujitsu no Tochi was underwhelming from a visitor's perspective. It would take too many resources to post a full military capable of ensuring border security. The system that Ayameko had developed allowed them to operate a leaner boarder guard, utilizing a specially trained force capable of at least holding off a significant military threat until a counter force could be mobilized. While mostly trees along the border, the tree's on Kyoku's border line marked with the symbol of their nation, there were a few scattered outposts, as well as a small town that had developed as a secondary trading hub between Yamagakure and Kyokujitsugakure - at least for the people of Kyokujitsgakure. Allia's point of entry was one of the watch tower a fair ways from one of the towns that had developed along the border as a secondary trade hub. In the nearly two decades the couple, Suishō and Shadan, had been a part of the border guard between Kyokujitsu no Tochi and Yamagakure's land they had never seen anything like that, and it wasn't the dragon that caught them offguard. Shadan had picked up on Allia, as well as Zilant's presence, early. Shadan was a massive man and among the Senkensha, the sensory division for Kyokijitsu, stood out among the crowd. At about nearly eight feet tall, Shadan's height wasn't the only intimidating feature of him, with a clearly muscled form beneath his clothes. Despite his physically overwhelming presence, he had a personality that burned bright. Suishō, his wife, stood to his right, a lowered bow clutched firmly. Shadan spoke, "Greeetings. I am Shadan of the Border Guard, you are free to cross at will." It was a bit unusual for it to be as simple to cross the border, but Shadan knew there was something here that made him feel it would be safe to do this - coupled with a perked curiosity. Suishō was a bit more procedural and cold, watching Allia very closely with her bow easily able to be drawn. However, despite her normal apprehensions, she trusted Shadan's judgment. She'd always envied his judge of character and his sense of people, a skill beyond his Senkensha skills.