[center] So, this will be brief because I already have a lot of the OOC planned out and most questions will be answered there but, I'll begin with the basics here. Our characters are in a small town called Water Birch and everyone knows about the old house down on Orange Street due to the fact it's often the subject of local ghost stories. However, unlike any other site that's known for ghosts, there are no tours, no one is ever dared to go inside; it's like everyone knows that there's something... off about the house. The 'house', honestly, is more like a mansion of sorts and one would like to think such a grand establishment would have someone who remembered it or had inherited it but no one seems to remember anything about it, not even the oldest residents or, if they do, they won't say anything about it. There are only a few things outside of the obvious that's known about the house. Those few things that the Heartland family owned it right when it was built in 1879. Aside from that, there isn't anything about the house that's really known for a fact. It was abandoned and was nearly burned down later on but a group of older people in the town that didn't want to see the historical building taken down paid to keep it up. There weren't any books on the house or family except for one that was titled 'Expect the Unexpected' with a picture of the house in it's glory days on it. One teenager found this book in the library ten years ago. It was an old book with yellowed pages but this person had been drawn to it for some reason they didn't yet understand. A few days after the teen had picked up the book, they disappeared a week later. When they searched the room to find the book, it was also gone. Now another group of eight teenagers has found the book and there is now a bit more information other than the address. It is two simple words: 'Help us.' Alright, so our characters will be the teens as well as the teenager who found the book before. We will also be RPing the Heartland family, or, to be more specific, their 'ghosts', if that's how you'd like to describe it. If you sign up for a spot in the Heartland family, I'll PM you the details about that. Your characters will disappear in this thread but you do not stop RPing them when they disappear and whoever is the first to disappear I will, once again, PM with more details about that. This RP has limited spots, (13 to be exact) so I'm only going to allow two characters per person and if you do that, then either they can be two teens of the opposite gender or you can have a member of the Heartland family and one of the teens. If you are interested in playing a Heartland family member, please either tell me on this thread or PM me and I will tell you all you need to know about that character and their purpose in the thread. If you have any questions, let me know and I'll be sure to answer them. Also, I may assign a co-GM at some point in time and I'd appreciate any advice or feedback because I'm newer to RPing and this is my first RP that I've made. Girl teens: 0/4 Boy teens: 1/4 The Father: 0/1 The Mother: 0/1 The Son: 0/1 The Daughter: 1/1 The Previous Teen: 0/1 [/center]