Stryfe contacted the demonic helper in the underworld. The demon had all his plans, and could transmit them through a psychic link. His name would be Leon Wolfe. He was a traveller. He had inherited millions of dollars from his father, who had owned his own company. He wasn't needed in the company, there were people to take care of things. He went back to the company every few months to keep an eye on things. He stood up, leaving some money for the drink and a generous tip. He headed out into the brisk air of the evening. He walked to the door of the one he was looking for. Should he knock? Should he barge in? Should he wait until the morning? No. He couldn't wait. If he is seen during the day, it might cause issues. He had an idea. He took a deep breath and knocked on the door, allowing the emotion of panic to take over his face.