[quote=Grothnor] Oh, yeah, whats the atmospheric composition? Will we be able to breathe the atmosphere or will we have to live in spacesuits/sealed environments? Or can people get by with simple re-breathers/portable oxygen supplies? [/quote] We got lucky. Much of the life on this world, on the colder, light side of the canyon, converts co2 to o2, as do many endothermic lifeforms that live underground on the hot side. As such, the air is 15% oxygen, 1% CO2, and about 84% inert gasses, mostly nitrogen. It has a surface pressure of 58.2 kpa, so, a bit thin, and you need a CO2 filter, but we can adapt. Also, it has a gravity of .83G. With two people signed up, I'll post what will be the equivalent of character sheets. (one for each crew member you want to play as) Name: Position/Rank: Skills: Personality: Why did they come on this mission, knowing they might never return to Earth? History/Story: Additional info: For the ship: Name: Number of crew: Role of ship: (construction, agriculture, mining, manufacturing, etc.) Cargo/mass: