Maxwell stares at LeeRoy as the man with the ham hands waves at him, his mouth moving, but no words coming out. "Oh. Well that sucks. I appear to have gone deaf." Maxwell's not the SHARPEST tool in the shed, but he's not a dumb guy either. He's lost his hearing more than once in his many battles across the span of space and time, you know, in the battles between armies, or fighting against soldiers with concussion or sound grenades or what have you. So now Maxwell stops yelling, since he's realized the sound has stopped, and now begins to speak very softly, knowing his yelling voice is SUPER obnoxious. "Okay, so I'm deaf. That's great." Looking down at the train whistles, he notices something he did not before. Its a little switch. Flicking it, he sees that it closes the air hole that the sound would come out of. Giving a test punch, he smiles when no bubbles come out. "okay cool. there's a little switch. fantastic. that's really useful." He walks over to LeeRoy and up into the ship, over to the medical bay, following LeeRoy of course. It's LeeRoy's ship, so LeeRoy leads the way. "okay so, don't actually say anything, cause I can't hear you either way, but when you fix my ears, is there someway to make my ear drums/lining stronger? the bubbles will be a real hassle if they make me go deaf every single time." Maxwell can still hear himself, but he can't actually tell how loud he is, which is honestly a little amusing. because when I say his voice is quite, it is like, trying to speak in a room with a million sleeping babies.