[b]Suishō and Shadan[/b] "Well met," Shadan responded, returning with a small bow, "This is my wife, Suishō." He placed his hand on her back as he introduced her, getting a sharp side look from her. "While my husband may be overlooking the procedures set forth by the Sankage he so cherishes, I will not discard all of them," she spoke, pulling a small charm from her pocket. "We ask that all you do while within our borders is carry this charm. In full disclosure, the charm will prevent you from preforming utilizing your chakra to preform hostile actions on our people. It will not affect you in any other way and it is useless outside of the borders. If you don't wear it, you may find interacting with the people around her difficult." Suishō smiled at the last bit, quite knowingly. Most of the people knew one another fairly well, sometimes to the bane of those who wanted to keep certain social secrets, but it proved an effective way to help regular border traffic. If people didn't know a person in the village, they would tend to avoid them without one of the charms from the border guards. "Bah," Shadan responded, pounding the back of his wife in a friendly manner, almost pushing her offbalance, "The people aren't that bad, Now, if they all greeted guests like you, then we'd have a problem." He began laughing, his voice deep and booming. "And you need to stop treating every foreigner like a houseguest," she retorted, sending him another sharp look. He merely laughed at her again, responding not to the look or the remark, "Allia and Zillant, enjoy your time within our borders. Kyokujitsu is a beautiful place and there is much to see - much I haven't seen too and I live here."