[center]Kyokujitsu no Tochi[/center] [b]Homura[/b] A girl who sets foot once again on the Land of the Rising Sun arrived and look at the nostalgic scenery of her homeland, "This place hasn't change a bit." She said while squatting on her Brother's summon, looking at the view below. She catches her breath and breathes slowly, thinking of the warm welcome of her friends and family, it's been a long time indeed. As their about to land in the Kyoku entrance, her brother reveals himself to the gatekeeper and later part each others ways. The girl runs without hesitation, straightforward to her destination which is none other than the Uchiha Clan district, indeed familiar faces are normal to be seen. On the other hand, there are different people who she doesn't know yet she chose to ignore them. Homura roam around to get a better look on her village, it isn't that bad but one must accept change and go along with it, change is something to be acknowledged not ignored. She gets back on her feet and move about freely from place to place, various places that she knows about and check out new places she doesn't know. The girl went back to the district and enter her house, what do you know, it was an errand return already, her Mother left a note, [I]"Buy vegetables, I need it for beef stew."[/I]. It can't be helped, Homura must leave again, she knew where to get a quality veggies anyway. Sometime later, she head out to the border of Yama and Kyoku, she spotted couples who were talking among themselves and approached them. "Excuse me, do you know where can I buy the finest vegetables?. Ma'm..sir?." Homura asked politely.