Noko nodded when he said that he would head home after the game of War. She nodded and sighed a little. Stupid Ceba and Glaysten. If the two of them hadn't stuck their noses in and bugged them, maybe Hoshi would want to stay. Luckily for her, War was an awfully long game. They started to play it and laughed, cursing each other for stealing high numbered cards or whining for stealing low cards with high ones. She looked up at Hoshi after a little bit a smiled, "Thanks for levitating me of my boredom for a bit... I appreciate it.... Also thanks for worrying.... But not being overbearing, I suppose," She laughed a little, "I'm not fully used to that..." They kept playing until Hoshi held 52 cards in his hands. She smiled and nodded, "Once you had all four aces... I knew I didn't have a chance." She glanced at the door and back to him, slightly saddened, "So... You are leaving now... right?"