[quote=Bunnita] Hiiiiiiii Corgi~~!!So like I wanted to post this here and not in yer shiny new thread cuz ya worked so hard on it^^!! K, but like I was interested in the Children of the Sky cuz it sounded waaaaaaaaaay dufurks out there and rocketpacks and flying fortresses with giant cannons cool! And yeah... cuz flyin' PIRATES!!! SwashbucklyWhooshNaYarrrrharharrrr....! >:3 But this bunny's not interested in Atlantis, and like I saw yer explanations... but this bunny wants floating broken pieces of the world to explore! plunder! and shake! some BOOTY, that be!!! Nyarr!!! (giant. robots. too.)K, soooo... good luck with new RP and hope peeps take interest. Right. ~Later~~!! ;D [/quote] Thanks Bunnita. I'm going to let both die for now. I will PM anyone in this topic when I finish with either one, in case people are still interested. I'll continue to work on it. A week isn't long enough to world build. Sorry guys. When it's up, it will be glorious.