Electricity is a form of matter created by the flow of electrons. This flow creates the physical existence of electricity. Refer back to [url=http://scienceline.ucsb.edu/getkey.php?key=512]this[/url] and the last paragraph which explains that photon don't have have mass therefore light technically is not matter. telekinesis within the infamous universe refer's to cole tk push power, which is just a charge of magnetic waves (or something like that) that he throws out to push and move objects, so that's still within his realm of manipulation essentially. Also, the ice guys can manipulate ice by lifting it without touching it, but that is still within their ice control. All of the "telekinesis" abilities referred to within Infamous are just conduits manipulating their matter of choice without having direct physical contact with it, and there's no single user that displays it alone on objects that don't have anything to do with their conduit related matter. Shadow abilities are referring to the blood festival dlc that I don't consider canon and I don't think anyone else should, so shadows are out. Telepathy is used by the woman who leads the reaper, and I'm pretty sure her telepathic ability has to do with the special tar she can use to control people, probably linking her to them mentally so they can communicate. It's a stretch I know, so that's a point to you on this one. Teleporting is again, another I can't explain that well. My guess as to how it's matter related is, that they're manipulating their own body's matter and moving it within short bursts, but w/e, another point to you. As for mirrors, I'm not sure why that's on the list because I can't find anything explaining what "mirror manipulation" is within the conduit universe. THe only thing I found is a bit about how a character from the vampire dlc is named after "bloody mary" cause of the whole "say bloody mary in the bathroom mirror" thing. So I don't think this counts. So, other than teleporting and telepathy (and I guess mirror, but it doesn't seem to be a real thing within the series), all of the abilities are either matter oriented or are just not well explained since it's just listing off the abilities and not how they actually work. And of these two abilities, they seem to be more just "super human/human evolution" type abilities than an ability of matter or energy, so they should be disregarded imo.