[U]REGISTRATION FOR NEW PLAYERS IS OPENED![/U] [center][img=http://i.imgur.com/rQYb0vG.jpg?1][/center] [center][b][u]Introduction to Plot[/u][/b][/center] In a certain world where chains of events existed, five centuries prior to the story, the gateway between different worlds were opened. The main world government tried to make it a secret and told people that the mysterious phenomena is under investigation. Apparently the actual cause of the gateway itself is because of the project that our Government did. Realizing the undeniable fact that the population continuously grew unstable thus Mother Nature punishing the atrocity of humans. Several worlds get roughly the same thing as their world started dying and they happened to do the same project. However, the effect was unexpected as the project collided with each other thus creating the mysterious gateway, which however can't be access for some reasons. It kept like that for some days before it started to get big and engulfed everything. For a moment, the worlds were 'destroyed' only to form a new era in the curious eyes of men,the moment the world came back to light, everyone was surprised. The land they stood changed and everything changed yet there's a familiar feeling when they set eyes to this new scene. Peace only lasted for a while before it caused chaos when these different races meet each other, huge misunderstanding happened and war between worlds happened in this new world due to the differences of species, the war relentlessly continued. Ancient Monsters made a 'Weapon' out of the blue, according to theories developed by intellectual species, these 'massive bio-mechanical engines of destruction' was created by the Planet to stop the war itself. Unfortunately, the races in this New World was considered as 'target to eliminate' by 'Weapon'. The war that happened before it could stopped and the genocide began thus eradicating 50% of the population and it was all done by 7 of them. In order to strike back, every species set aside their differences and worked together to fight against this "Weapon".Their combined powers managed to push 6 Weapon and made them gone to somewhere. The Weapons crystallized themselves awaiting the time the Planet need them once more but no one knows the reality. Suddenly, the Seventh Weapon went berserk and decided to destroy these combined powers by going right at the Headquarter of this alliances in Caelifer. The races decided to take it head-on but it isn't easy and the price was a lot to pay. Lots of them were wiped out and Caelifer's geography changed a lot due the battle and with the destruction of the final Weapon, the races celebrated the win by decided to make the CEBSB (Cultural Exchange Between Species Bill) and named the new world as "Uno Mundus" meaning One World,the world finally achieved its first peace and transcended through time.In the year of 2550, 500 years after Uno Mundus was created, there are still a lot of mysteries hidden by the world, plenty of places to explore. A new journey begins, what will you do? [Center][img=http://img846.imageshack.us/img846/668/cooltext515467190.png][/Center] Rules, eh ... let make it simple. I'm quite simple guy who won't restrict everyone on what they gonna do. As long they could behave. But let me set some point first. [hider=Rule] - Respect each other since you can't play alone ^_^ - Follow the rule of Casual Roleplay since we play here (─‿‿─) - Try be active 。(⌒∇⌒。) - Separate OOC and IC post if possible (I think we can !) (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ - No God-mod, No Min-Max, 100% hit (you are not invincible here an it not like we have battle all the time)(。⌒∇⌒)。 - Make a post that easy to read _φ( ̄ー ̄ ) - Finally! Respect everyone like you respect yourself. I know I say it twice, but we are friend here not enemy (〃 ̄ω ̄〃ゞ [/hider] --- Information about Uno Mundus, races, places and things will be put here There are 6 Continents in Uno Mundus. But only 4 that really known while the other 2 is unknown to public. [hider=Continent] [u]Known Continent (only these Continents is your character came from)[/u] [b]Caelifer[i](Island Continent)[/i][/b] - Located at heart of the world, used to be biggest continent before war destroyed it and changed the geography completely. The culture here is quite many and each island is quite unique. Majority of Uno Mundus population reside here. [b]Lyranias [i](Ice Continent)[/i][/b] - Eternal Ice Continent, currently the biggest Continent in Uno Mundus and ruled by a Queen. It located at North side of Island Nation.Currency is Lyra. [b]Pitover [i](Sky Continent)[/i][/b] - Floating Continent that kept moving, the technology in this Continent is quite advance compared to other Continent. Despite it kept moving, it quite easy to pinpoint because of the size. [b]Terrene [i](Forest Continent)[/i][/b] - 2nd biggest Continent in Uno Mundus. There's still quite many conflicts between tribes there. Located at West of Island Nation. One of most famous location here is Yggdrasil Tree. Each of the Terrenian tribes specializes in the use of one method of combat/weapon, and tribes that have weapons of similar function tend to be allies. The south-east is controlled by the projectile-based (guns and bows) tribes, the south-west is controlled the short-range melee (swords and clubs), the northwest is controlled by the long-range melee tribes (spears and staves). The north-east section, the part with the Yggdrasil Tree, is neutral ground and technically controlled by the power-using tribes. The universal currency, Yuse. It's mostly stuffed with humans, elves and beast races. [u]Hidden Continent[/u] [b]Myrestia [i](Mist Continent)[/i][/b] - The continent takes its name from its thick blanket of Mist which blocks out sunlight. The Mist Continent is the most lush continent of all the Uno Mundus continents, even more than Terrene. Unfortunately it also filled with lots of monster that use Mist to conceal themselves. Due to the presence of Mist, it hard to pinpoint where the exact location of the Continent. Hardly anyone visits this Mist-infested regions, except when they looking for rare herbs that could only found there. [b]Acretifer [i](Shadow Continent)[/i][/b] – The reason it called Shadow Continent is due the fact, it appeared and disappeared like shadow. The Continent itself only visible at night. It also the hardest Continent to pinpoint since it sometimes appeared at different side of world. There's only 4 places to enter this Continent, but only one that granted the access. [/hider] Here the list of races that lived in Uno Mundus [hider=Race] Playable : Human, Elf, Angel, Demon, Beastmen, Dragon and Halfling Non-playable : Fiary, Lorilal, Spirit [b]Human :[/b]Human is human ... well it not hard to describe how they look like since you are human XD Anyway, 55% of population in Uno Mundus is human. Some may say that they are weak and fragile beings, humans are not meant to be underestimated. They have the capacity to evolve further and surpass their limits, they are righteous and unpredictable yet flawed as they are foolish enough not to understand the unexplainable. Humans today in this world are not your normal average humans from before, they are resistant to all types of diseases due to the wonders of Science and Technology. They are also capable of learning magic, becoming supernatural and so on, however, they are not strong enough nor worthy to handle such power, only a few selected are capable of surpassing human limits. Humans, despite being considered weak, they are the most balanced race. [b]Angel :[/b]Angel ... in a sense is a human-like being with wings. Usually described as good side, Angel isn't quite good being either. Angel have longer life span, faster regeneration and far stronger than human physically. [b]Demon :[/b] There quite many type of demon and like angel, they were better than human. And not all demon is evil. Beings like Succubus, Vampire, Jiangshi, Youkai are part of demon race. There appeared to be rivally run between Angel races and Demon races [b]Beastman :[/b] Beast yet human, human yet beast. Their physical strength is #1 if not #2 in Uno Mundus race, but it appeared they unable to use any kind of magic. Being like Mermaid, Centaur, Minotaur, Werewolf are classified as Beastman. [b]Elf :[/b] Race of beings with magical skills, ambivalent towards other races and capable of either helping or hindering them. They were quite agile also #2 when it came to life span. They lived like long (a millenia or so before they die) They also known for their beautiful apperances. [b]Half-ling :[/b] As it name suggested, half-ling is more like cross-breed between human and other race, the child which carried both his/her parent race characteristic is called half-ling. Despite the fact that cross-breed isn't quite rare in Uno Mundus, half-ling is quite rare. In a sense, they were better compared to the race their parent from, but they also carried their races' weakness too. Medicine for Half-ling is kinda hard to made since their body function is kinda different compared to pure-race and Usually Half-ling threated differently since they not pure. [b]Dragon :[/b] Rarest and probably strongest race in Uno Mundus. You really rarely to see one since most of them hide their identity. Especially when people chase you for some kind of immortality or many other things. Being the race with longest life span, their reproduction is quite mess up since most of dragon couple give birth to one child, rarely two. Which not helping their growth in number at all. There's speaking about helping dragon's reproduction, but whether it lies or truth, no one knows since no dragon became volunteer. Male dragon reproduction with female human, which have most better reproduction procedure also not work quite well. Especially since it took 3 years for the human to give birth to the dragon child ... that if the female human not dead. [b]Lorilal :[/b] Native race of Acretifer Continent and original race of Uno Mundus. They were bio-mechanical existence same like Weapon. Means they also made by the planet. They were at same size as human and appeared to have more 'understanding' compared to Weapon. Lorilal appeared like robot or cyborg, but they also like human in many sense. When they wounded, as long their core undamaged, they could recovered themselves. [b]Fiary :[/b] Fiary is race, who is quite like human but small in size (about 1/2 of normal human size) and have pointy ear like elf. People commonly mistake Fiary for Dwarf due their height. Fiary is more interested in nature than technology. Fiary also able to use magic and well known for their alchemist skills. [b]Spirit :[/b] They were being that represent the nature. They weren't strong physically, but their magic came from nature itself and they quite master it. Being like Ifrit, Yuki-Onna were part of spirit [b]Others[/b] = Wanna Race that outside the one describe above? Go ahead and explore your imagination ^_^ [/hider] Time to explain about [b][i]Power User[/i][/b]. They, who achieved power. Power user without doubt is very common in Uno Mundus world. Every races in Uno Mundus have some common thing and one of those is IRD, also known as "Independent Reality Diffusion" IRD is produced in low levels by every race as a product of sentient thought, every race use IRD in different way and different quantity. For example, Pyrokinesis ESPers use big quantity of IRD to summon fireballs, while Human Magician used low quantity of IRD to create Magic. [hider=Ability User (ESPer / Extra Sensory Perception User)][i] A term used to refer to people who have gone through Power Curriculum Program and gained their power through science. All ESPers emit high ammount of IRD, which is unique to the ESPers ' powers, for example: a pyrokinetic esper will heat up their surroundings unconsciously than any other person due to their IRD. Furthermore, all ESPers have what is called a Personal Reality, which is the basis of an ESPers' power and refers to the ESPers' ability to replace ordinary reality with his/her own. Regarding abilities, all ESPer can only have one type of ability. Moreover, ESPer abilities are categorized as either Active or Passive abilities. Active refers to an ESPer knowingly having to use his power to create an effect on reality, whilst passive has the ESPer subconsciously effect reality with their abilities. However, both can be present at the same time in an ESPer. Their distortion of reality to create powers is based on quantum theories. This distortion is an isolated phenomenon, pertaining only to the observations of the world by an ESPer based upon their Personal Reality. [/i][/hider] [hider=Magic User (Magician)][i] A term used to refer to people who have gone through Power Curriculum Program and gained their power through exploiting the natural occurrences of the world. Magic by itself roots from the simple fact that 'those without talent' wanted to be able to do the same things as 'those with talent', they gave birth to a ceremony and practice called magic. The most important thing about magic is to prepare it properly, if the preparation itself is done correctly even a middle schooler with no magical talent might perform a spell; the opposite stands true as if the preparations are not proper the magic not only will fail, but the backlash from it will fry the brain of the caster. Magic is quite common used by Angel, Demon, Elf and Fiary, but their magic is quite unique. While human's magic mixed different type and made some kind of fusion. Magic is unrelated to scientific laws. Magic does not have restriction like ESPer's and Rei's ability which only one per-user. Magicians dabble in a multitude of skills to do with magic, such as alchemy, astronomy, and summoning. However, it isn't convenient either. Magic is just as much of a collection of specialized skills and knowledge as science is. As supernatural setting takes time and effort, it took years just to learn some really strong spells. [/i][/hider] ---- [center][b]Character Sheet[/b][/center] [u][b]Personal Information[/u][/b] [b]Appearance:[/b] (Image, description, or both) [b]Name:[/b] (Preferably something that actually sounds like a name in your character's race of choice) [b]Alias:[/b] (Nicknames, false identities, titles, etc.) [b]Age:[/b] (How old your character is) [b]Gender:[/b] (Male, female, trap) [b]Race:[/b] (See Races) [b]Nationality:[/b] (See Continents) [b]Occupation:[/b] (What your character does all day, such as teacher, student, part-time jobs, freelancer, etc) [b]Personality:[/b] (What your character acts like) [u][b]Powers and Skills Information[/u][/b] [b]Skills:[/b] (Mundane abilities your character possesses like cooking or being good at math or something) [b]Power Name:[/b] (What your power is named, either officially, unofficially, or both) [b]Power Type:[/b] (Magic, ESP, Spirit Energy, Other) [b]Power Description:[/b] (What your power of choice can do) [b]Power Weaknesses:[/b] (Because gross OPness at the start of the RP is a no-no) [u][b]Miscellaneous Information[/u][/b] (Other information about your character not covered by the CS, such as background, random factoids, etc) --- [Center][img=http://img847.imageshack.us/img847/2426/cooltext515467221.png][/Center] Filled according to event that happened in the story and other event that need to be note (Still not filled yet) April 30, 2050 = Several portals appeared at different world May 5, 2050 = The portal engulfed entire worlds and Uno Mundus created May 6, 2050 = Great War happened April 27, 2060 = Apperances of 'WEAPON' August 7, 2060 = Entire world decided to cooperate to handle 'WEAPON' after losing 50% of its population May 31, 2063 = The alliance decided to take on the final 'WEAPON' and Caelifer's geography mess up as a result of the war. June 1, 2063 = The Alliance celebrated their victory, even though they lost many good men. To honor them, CEBSB (Cultural Exchange Between Species Bill) created. June 8, 2063 = CEBSB (Cultural Exchange Between Species Bill) finalized and legalized by important people of each races. Febuary 21, 2137 = Uno Mundus's first cartographer, Edward Sterin (a beastman), finally published his 'Uno Mundus map'. This map later used in modern days and still kept updated. 2550 = The story begin ....