[Quote]Light is a form of energy, not matter. Matter is made up of atoms. Light is actually electromagnetic radiation. Moving electric charge or moving electrons (electric current) cause a magnetic field, and a changing magnetic field creates an electric current or electric field. So, changing magnetic and electric fields interact with each other and produce an electromagnetic wave composed of two parts: a magnetic field and an electric field. Electromagnetic radiation has many forms: the visible light spectrum, UV rays, radio waves, and x-rays to name a few.[/quote] -so this would rule out any powers related including sound related powers, radio waves or any kind of waves for the matter including electromagnetic waves. This is confusing since cole uses electromagnetic energy as well.... perhaps its just a byproduct of the electricity manipulation.... but if that's the case: [Quote] Light is made up of "things" called photons, and these photons can possess some of the properties of matter. For example, they are always moving, and when they move, they can exert a (usually very small) force on an object (just like moving matter can).[/quote] Then wouldn't the ability to manipulate protononic energy be ok since it shares most of the traits of matter as long as it moving? (Lasers) Light would also be generated as a byproduct just like the neons chemical based powers. *I don't mean to start a debate I just am trying to clarify most of the holes in the infamous universe. I understand its just a videogame but if there's going to be limitations and parameters id like to know beforehand before I spend hours creating an "original" power and ultimately getting rejected. I'm not trying to be a dick and hope I'm not portraying myself as one. I really like this idea and just want to make a cool fun story based off a solid lore. XD