Zelia smiled when he seemed to calm down a bit. She nodded when he promised not to jeopardize Flynn's chances, "Good." She took hold of his hand arm and pulled him away from the others. She looked him in the eye when they were a little distance away. She sighed, "You need sleep... You are getting snappish, Flynn deserved it but still.... You are going to end up snapping at the wrong person and things are just going to go downhill," she smiled softly at him, "We'll all go sit somewhere and I want you to try and get some sleep. It is still a bit of time before noon and we can wake you. You need sleep." She looked back over at Flynn and Skye and waved them over. She looked at them both, "I was just saying to Trex that we should find somewhere to sit. Maybe let him take a nap before noon, get some energy back." Flynn nodded, "Sounds good to me." Zelia looked around slightly, "Maybe just a patch of grass would be nice to sit on while we wait," She spotted one and pointed at it, "Over there. Close enough that we'll easily be able to hear the curator when he comes out and talks." She guided them all over to the grass and sat down. She looked at Trex with stern eyes, "Sleep."