A) Telepathy in Infamous One is used only by the Reaper's Mistress, and she does in fact use her tar as a mind control agent. B) Teleportation is the ability.to shift one's own matter in an extremely fast way to teleport short distances. Kessler develops a form of this through his years of pre-apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic survival. This is why you see Kessler "dashing" or teleporting at extreme speeds from place to place. C) The "force" applied by moving Photons is minimal to none, and non-existent to a Conduit. Conduits do not manipulate "forces" as "forces" are not matter. A conduit cannot control gravity, but he can control mass in certain ways. The ideal of controlling a nano-particle structure by it's applied "force" is not attempting to control matter. Photons are particles, not matter, there is in fact a difference. D) There is a series of sub-set powers that have been explained to occur in Conduits through genes. The Conduit gene, is a gene and does more then allow "powers." It also unlocks parts of the gene to allow certain Conduits, aside from the Reaper's Mistress, to use telepathy. E) "Telekinesis" isn't actually a separate power all it's own, but rather most Conduits use their power to connect themselves with an object to move it. An Example: Phantom's use of the Ice-Units powers, a Unit would make ice on the object, be little or large amounts, and then move the object by moving ice attached to it. F) Mirror Manipulation is not the manipulation of refracted light, it is literally the use of mirror material. Mirrors are made of a special material all there own, and the person of this power would be using mirrors and mirror material as his/her powers. G) Video Powers are a form of Electromagnetic-wavelength matter that Eugene controls, and uses to produce Electromagnetic constructs of pixelated form to fight.