South West - Liam It felt as if the earth were screaming. Every muscle in his body was tense as he plumeted towards the ground. His fingers clutched the parachute release for dear life and he wanted nothing more than to pull it immediately, and float as slowly down as he could. Perhaps the emtire ordeal could be missed in this case, but he doubted that. He breathed very deeply, calming his nerves as best he could. How many simulated drops had he done? Enough surely. Feeling that it was the correct time to pull the chord he felt himself slowed down as the parachute engaged Looking down he noted the bank of fog that the South-West was bathed in. "Shiiiiiit" he whispered to himself. Reaching to his side he grappled for the gas mask which would probably be a good idea to wear, having it secured he still didn't relish the thought of landing right in the thick of it, and so he began steering his parachute towards it edge, and closer to those he had deployed with, so that they would all be closer upon landing. "S-sam? Ma-arvin? I'm coming closer to you both so we can all venture into the fog together. Strength in numbers, right?" With a nervous quiver in his voice he squeaked out a weak laugh as he continued upon his descent. He had as it happened pulled his rip chord to soon allowing the others to whiz past him, he was now trying to make sure he was manuevered between them.