[hider=Bernabé] -Appearance: [img=http://i.imgur.com/2gapDnu.jpg] -Name: Bernabé -Alias: Bern Bern (not quite amusing for her) -Age: 57 -Gender: female -Race: Angel -Nationality: Pitover -Occupation: Police lieutenant and current criminology student -Personality: She usually tries to hide her emotions the most possible (but it's not like she is devoid of them).Bernabe is direct, blunt and incapable of seeing the world in terms outside black or white. Her love for justice has made her into a seeker of order that, for the sake of her beliefs, won't even question anything, only caring for the legality or not of anything and acting according to it. Her dream is a perfect world where everyone follows the law obediently and order is prevalent over everything, for this reason she despises creatures that do not represent this ideal, specially demons. She also holds a grudge against half-lings, which she considers "an aberration out of nature", although since law permits the existence of some these beings she shows no outside complain. Same goes for magic, which she doesn't like a bit for its lack of logical explanation but she has no issues with because of its legality status. She is immune to sarcasm and irony to amusing levels [u]Powers and Skills Information[/u] -Skills: Bernabé, having been a police woman lieutenant in Pitover, has acquire the abilities required for the pursuit of criminals, that is weapon handing (although she never liked guns) hand to hand combat (further enhanced by her angel strength) and tracking with crime solving. Also, as all winged beings she is capable of flying -Power Name: Oficially: TER (time enhanced recovery) Unofficially: One more time -Power Type: passive ESPer given to polie officers that are angels in Pitover. Gamma level -Power Description: Angels have a natural regeneration factor. If they are cut deeply, get shot or get a bone broken they can heal those wounds in matter of hours (or if it really severe in days) without leaving any scar or mark. The TER accelerate time within one's body to make all wounds heal in seconds, it also provides an astonishing resistance to pain, not flinching at hits or burns -Power Weaknesses: For the quickened healing to work, the user needs to have no interference in her wounds. This means that if she gets a bone dislocated or broken, she needs to put it in place and if she has a bullet or any external object inserted the healing won´t work, but it won´t work not only for the wound with the bullet or the broken bone but for any other subsequent wound she suffers because the ESPer priories healing the wounds that are suffered first in time. [u]Miscellaneous Information[/u] Bernabé is a police lieutenant in charge of assaults in Pitover. The assault units are exclusively formed by angels because that way the risk in the operations are reduced with their healing powers. However, she wanted to ascend, and to beat the other candidates and become a deputy she needed better qualifications, and there is no better place in Uno Mundus than the Academy of Sevii for that purpose, so she had forsaken her duty for some years until she finishes this career, which will take as long as she needs to. [/hider]