[IMG]http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120513024117/hunterxhunter/images/6/6a/Zodiac-12.png[/IMG] [CENTER][I] The Zodiac Gather To Discuss The Dark Continent [/I][/CENTER] [B]TL;DR Summary:[b/] [indent] -An Expedition To The Dark Continent has been announced by a man claiming to be the son of Netero -The Zodiac do not, as a rule, trust this man -They are in fact correct not to as he has already sent a primary scouting expedition of experienced hunters to do a preliminary job, get around, get information and get back in time to warn him. - The Dark Continent has been confirmed to be the most dangerous place known to man, full of horrors. - the players are all experienced hunters, with enough general and combat experience to handle most situations, whether as a team or by them self.[/indent] [B]In Character Info:[/b] [indent][I]This is the mission, You will travel with a small team of hunters to the dark continent. Upon reaching it you will begin a series of scouting excursions around the main trip's designated landing areas. You must keep an accurate log of everything you find, see or hear. You have been handpicked for your skills, failure is not an option. Remember, this operation is top secret, absolute pragmatism is required. Should one of the party die, their remains must be completely destroyed. Any signs of camp should be gone as well at least three days before the main trip arrives. In the extremely unlikely event that you run into any other hunters, your objective will be capture, extract information and dispose. Remember also that you are not expected to survive, even with your advanced skills, however in return for completing this mission you may ask of me anything within in the human race's power. Should you not reply within 2 hours of opening, or decline, this message will self-obliterate. Good luck hunter's for you will surely need it. -Beyond Netero [/I][/indent] [B]Out of Character Info:[/b] [indent]This is a hunter x hunter rp set just ahead of the current place in the story. In depth knowledge of hunter x hunter is not required, however I strongly reccomend that you get to grips with the power system in it, as it's fairly complex by shounen manga standards. As far as rules go it's the standard plus some Hunter x Hunter specific stuff: 1. No relations to characters featuring in the series, genetic or otherwise.I don't want any 'Zoldyck-Freecs's or 'Lucifer's running around! 2. With nen abilities the strength of the ability is directly related to the strength of your character, this is exlained in the manga but often forgotten. The example is your ability can not be a sword that can cut anything, as how good your sword is at cutting would then be fixed, instead you would have a sword which grows sharper according to the characters abilities and the restrictions placed upon it. 3. No copying nen abilities. This is kind of like the first point, try to create something unique to you. 4. As far as restrictions go, 'it has a massive cool down' or 'my character must rest for a day after using it' are pet hates of mine. Expect me to come up with extremely contrived, somewhat deus-ex-machina-y situations to exploit this with the end goal of your character being maimed and fed to gold-plated hover lobsters. 5. The god-modding limits for this is your power limit should be somewhere similar to Morel (the guy with the huge pipe) and Knov (portal guy). 6. Thanks for bearing with me, have fun and stick with it. Dedication is what I want most![/indent] Character Sheet: Name: Gender: Age: Appearance: (picture and/or physical description is fine) Hunter Type: (e.g. criminal hunter, gourmet hunter, treasure hunter) Nen Type: (Only one!) Nen abilities: (remember the nen hexagon) Personality: History: I'm looking for somewhere between five and ten hunters for this! Expedition Team: 1. Lev Oborin 2. Ivy K. Raven 3. Mars Mondelez 4. Nera Thyne 5. Marko 6. Zaphyr Nowack That's all! I can't wait to here from people! Even if you're not interested, feed back and ideas are welcome, thank you!