[center][b]Executioner[/b][/center] Malcolm continued looking around for at least a minute to make sure the freakshow was gone, eventually deciding he was when The Executioner started to notice all the people around them on the street who had apparently been watching and/or panicking. One in a particular, an asian teen, was standing unusually close behind the hulk, filming everything with his phone's camera. When Malcolm noticed him, the beast turned on the spot and roared, "Oi, you! The hell do yah t'ink yer doin?! Get de fuke outta 'ere!" Strangely, the kid wouldn't move. Either he had a deathwish or balls of steel similar in size to Malcolm's, as the Atlas approached, "Are you fucking stupid, kid?" The teen answered by holding the phone's camera "Stupid? I'm going to be famous for uploading this to YouTube! Quick, what's your name?! Are you a supervillain or a superhero?" Inside his helmet, Malcolm was raising an eyebrow at the teen's confidence, "Kid, there aren't any superheroes or supervillains. That's not how the world works, even if there are these other fucking 'Supers' running around using their abilities recklessly. Give anyone an ounce of power over other people, and you'll be damn certain they're going to take advantage of it eventually." With that said, Malcolm boomed away towards an alley and a sewer entrance, before shouting as he disappeared into the shadows, "And I'm The Executioner of those who take advantage of it." As he walked in the labyrinthian sewers he had come to know like the back of his hand, Malcolm took the flash drive out of the mag he'd hidden it in, and stared at it as he walked, "Heh heh... Stupid corporate schmucks. I wonder what damning evidence might be on you, missy..."