Posting up my mostly competed sheet now, still need to find a decent pic think of a few skills and write up his personality, but the history is done. Essential Information Name/Aliases: Arnack Clarn Sex: Male Age: 50 Appearance: [Hider=Arnack][IMG][/IMG][/hider] Personality: Arnack is a stern fellow often people think he is rude, but it is really that he hasn't had time to make many friends. He isn't much of a leader, and he is a little paranoid, in the slums someone always had it out for him, and many Slayers share that disdain. [hider=History] Arnack was born in the slums of Anghiem a dwarven city once renowned as the home of the Slayers, they brought in riches and treasures beyond compare, since though the city has declined much and the citzens are forced into fishing or mining. Arnack and his twin brother, Clalak were born to a beggar family ecking out a living, aiding the fishermen when they returned with their haul and living off the scraps. Arnack was the stronger of the two and took it upon himself to protect his younger brother, being the eldest if only by a few minutes. As they grew older Clalak began to worship the Slayers and aspired to join their ranks, but no matter how hard he tried Arnack was always stronger, tougher and faster and even though he had no particular will to be a Slayer he was picked over his brother and the other candidates. Since then the two have grown apart and have not seen each other since Arnack’s acceptance. Arnack soon found that life as a Slayer was difficult, but also rewarding everyday he got a little better. For the sake of his brother he tried as hard as he could, though Clalak had failed he would at least not make Clalak bitter by failing. He learned how to fight all manner of things in all manner of ways. He learnt the theory of beast slaying, too where beast were weakest and where they were strongest, and most importantly where not to be when they attacked. Soon he rose to be the best Initiate in the group and was the first to be offered a Proving. He was tasked with bringing back the horn of a Greater Rhinodon of the Zephyr Plains, a beast known for rampaging through the villages the tribesmen kept on the Plains. A Rhinodon was much like ordinary rhinoceros, only three times as big and much more intelligent, very few are left; in fact many thought they were extinct. Arnack suspected the council who disliked him, due to his beggar heritage wanted to send him on a quest to his death. Nevertheless he set out towards the Plains and after much searching, almost six moons worth until eventually he heard tales of a Rhinodon rampaging amongst a herd of its smaller kindred. He caught up to the herd as they grazed upon the plains lazing in the sun’s heat. He counted over thirty Rhinoceros in the herd, but he was a Slayer he remained undaunted and using what he knew of the beasts’ weakness he snuck up on them, disguised as a shrub. Still with no sign of the Rhinodon he began to despair until he heard a roar then the thump of hooves on the ground. He quickly turned and drew his spear, scoring the beast along the shoulder as it charged into his weapon. Undaunted the beast rounded and charged again. The rest was a blur to Arnack his battle instincts took over and finally the beast lay dying at his feet. He took the beasts horn and gave it’s body to the tribesmen it had terrorised, bringing new life. He returned to the Slayer’s Fortress victorious, but a few were not too glad to see him back and after a hasty ceremony he was given a three month recovery period. He finally caught up with his brother Clalak, who seemed to be doing well for himself, though he refused to say how or why. He was happy he had achieved what he had set out to, despite the odds and become a Proven Slayer. He soon found himself tasked with the full duties of a Slayer scouting the land for potential threats and protecting the commonfolk from the monstrous of Endwuin.[/hider] Optional Information Equipment: A double bladed axe, a short spear and a full set of steel battle armour (In his saddlebags), a pony, also wears a lighter suit for day to day. Field rations and a survival kit, consisting of cooking implements, firemaking kit and a small tent with a bedroll. Faction (If any): Slayers of Anghiem Marital Status: Slayers ain’t got no time for that. Magic (Mundane or Arcane): Mundane for the most part with a little latent pyrokinesis, although he can’t start a fire and the only affect it has is flames tend to lean towards him despite the wind. With some training he could possibly gain some control. Skills: Slayer Training: As a fully Proven Slayer he has learnt all that can be taught, what is left to learn must be earnt the hard way, in the fires of battle. He is able to wield most weapons with some proficiency, but his true calling is the axe. Wrestler Extrodinare: Arnack is a great wrestler, even against the largest opponents his skill and strength is enough to bring them down. A slayers foes are hardly ever equal to a Slayer's size. Stamin-up: Arnack has decent stamina he can fight and run for an entire day if need be but this always leaves him drained and weary.