[hider=Ivy K Raven] Name: Ivy Katrina Raven Gender: Female Age: 28 Appearance: [img]http://safebooru.org//images/1158/1e037ca2fed82c48145231e22ae8e704ed4bee2e.jpg?1207073[/img] Ivy's body is covered with tattoos. Well it would be more accurate to say two large tattoos. All along the left side of her body is a set of twisting winding thorny vines like that of a rose bush, with a few scattered roses among them. On her right side are various silhouettes of black birds, Likewise these are in various sizes and cover the majority of her right half of her body. Both tattoos stop short of her neck, wrists, and ankles. The rest of her body is presumable covered in that tattoos. Hunter Type: She refers to herself as a battle hunter, one who's goal is to find and defeat worthy foes and overcome great challenges. Despite that she is widely thought of as a criminal hunter as her quest for combat often has her beating down wanted, violent criminals. It is not a bad way to pay the bills after all. Nen Type: Emission Nen abilities: Bitter Unkindness: Ivy can create up to 8 Nen-constructs in the form of large black birds. Primary detail and restrictions of Bitter unkindness are as such: Each one comes from one of the tattoo's on her right arm. She can make no more than 8 at a time or in a row, and after one is 'used' in one of several fashions it 'returns' to her arm and can't be used again until all the others have been returned as well. This of it as a gun with 8 shots that can only be reloaded once all shots are fired. The reloading time for BU is two minutes even, she can shorten it to a single minute if allowed to stay still and focused solely on it. Each construct she makes resemble ravens but is roughly the size of a hawk. She can manipulate them individually, though when she has all 8 out and active she must stand perfectly still to move them with any decent level of speed or precision. They are very solid, their wings are able to cut like a razor and their bodies can pierce through stone. They are, at the end of the day, a form of pricing projectile attack. She can fright with then in a couple of different ways. Once they hit a target or are struck with significant force they dissipate and return to her tattoo to await the reloading processes. 'Chambered mode' is rather obvious. The nen focuses about her arm and a pair of 8 small ethereal wings appear along it. At this point all 8 constructs are armed and ready to fire. In this mode she can only fire them in a straight line from her open palm. this is when her Ravens are at their fastest and her arm is basically an 8 shot cannon. 'Flight Mode' she summons the construct fully formed, 1 to 8 at a time. The overall speed with which they can move depends on the number she is summoning. after 4 her own speed and mobility will become effected. At 8 she has to remain more or less still as she controls them. In this form they have the widest mobility and versatility, able to be used as shields, decoys, or unpredictable attacks. They can even perform simple tasks as well. such as searching for things or guarding a location. 'Sky Boss' Only available to her if she has not used a single one of her shots and using it will result the consumption of most of her power. She uses the energy of all 8 shots to make a single construct roughly the size of her. She can have it fight for her, it able to do the most amount of damage compared to all 8 of her birds combined. It can actually engage in proper combat rather than deadly kamikaze's like her normal construct, but it's kamikaze is bar far the most deadly move she has. Alternatively she can hop on it's back for travel or to flee. either way, after about an hour or after it has been 'used' it'll dissipate and she'll only have enough nen for about 2 rounds of 8 and if skyboss wasn't enough to end the fight than theirs a good chance that the remaining rounds won't do her much good. Given that choice, fight or flight, This is an all or nothing move, Personality: Ivy is rough around the edges to say the least. Hot blooded and hard headed, the key word anyone would use to describe the young woman would be aggressive. She has more courage than common sense. That's not to say that Ivy dumb, she just prefers to listen to her gut and her hot temper more than her brain. The only things she values as much as her quest for glorious battle is loyalty and respect. Cross either of the latter two and you'll likely find yourself engaged in the former. History: Ivy is the only child of a influential mob don in a collection of mafia families known as the 'Chimera Alliance'. They are named such because each of the Dons has taken some manner of creature as their last name. An old, large, and powerful group of crime lords, Ivy was slated and trained to one day take her father's place as a don. Though the older she grew the more she was sure that wasn't the path she wished for herself. What she truly loved was combat, her favorite activities were the fighting lessons she had and better yet, employing those techniques on worthy foes. Eventually this drive for combat lead her to leave the family and peruse the path of a Hunter. Took her a few tries to make the pass, but she managed by the time she was 18. While her father washed his hands of the business and began grooming another successor, the other members of the Chimera Alliance didn't like that the daughter of a Don had 'cut ties' with the family. While she did her best to make it clear she had no intense of every attacking or betraying her family or the Alliance as a whole, Dons tend to be suspicious and careful of any and all potential threats. It is not uncommon for them to commission assassins to attack her. She normally doesn't mind all that much; they often prove to be entertaining fights and when they hire someone outside of the family she'll turn them in for the bounty. [/hider]