[b]Suishō and Shadan[/b] Without hestiation, Shadan slid his hand across the tip of one of Suishō's arrows, drawing blood. With a surprising grace for a man of his size, he slid his hand over the blade and let the blood fall. "I, Shadan of the Border Guard, enter into contract," he exclaimed in a rather booming voice. Suishō glared at him, disapprovingly. "Shadan, that was incredibly foolish," she scolded. Shadan, however, just brushed it off, ignoring her concerns on the matter, eliciting a following sigh from Suishō. Before Shadan could go into details on where Allia should visit in Kyokujitsu no Tochi, they were interrupted by the presence of another young woman. Shadan new her, from his time in the capital. "Miss Homura," Shadan nodding to her, "I am sure you could find fine vegetables in the village market, but I am surprise to see you this far north. Were you travelling with Lady Ayameko's entoruage?" Suishō was also curious to the presence of the Uchiha girl. While each of the towns typically had some representative of their clan in the village, typically serving as a member of the police forces, she didn't know what would bring her to this territory. Aside from those travelling between the two nations, it wasn't much of a tourist destination. It was far enough north that snow from the mountains in the Land of Frost could happen even as late as May without being too unusual. Most people moved out of the area, and those that lived up here were usually a part of the border guard or a trade organization, along with their families.