Trying my hand at this... [b]Name[/b]: Ryn [b]Species[/b]: Hyper-butterfly [hider=Hyper-butterflies]Simply put, the hyper-butterflies are sapient fields of energy capable of performing nearly any feat related to matter. This includes reversing entropy, creating and manipulating biological matter and interaction with material at an atomic level. Their only limitations are any mental restraints they may possess. They resemble humans in their youth except for energy fields extending several feet beyond their bodies. However, at any time after the age of 12 their energy fields form a cocoon around their bodies and they become aware of their abilities. They may then reshape their physical bodies however they wish, with the cocoon dissipating as soon as the transformation is complete. Hyper-butterflies are effectively immortal in their energy state, but all except the most ancient of them need physical bodies in order to interact with the world. If their body is killed or destroyed they will need to rebuild it, a process which can last from a week to several years depending on their skill in manipulating biology.[/hider] [b]Gender[/b]: Identifies as female [b]Age[/b]: 31 [b]Mental Illness[/b]: Narcissistic personality disorder, paranoia [b]Appearance[/b]: Ryn appears as a woman in her twenties of average height with completely symmetrical features. She is lightly and evenly tanned with waist-length brown hair and electric blue eyes. Her body is extremely lean with very well-defined muscles. She has long arms and legs, and her fingers and toes appear slender and delicately formed. While the rest of her body may undergo slight alterations from day to day, her face never changes; she appears proudest of her high cheekbones and heart-shaped lips. The energy fields which are her true form extend from her back and span two metres in total. They have no fixed shape, but she is fond of forming them into multiple pairs of angel wings. They change colour frequently. [b]History[/b]: Ryn's homeworld was extremely advanced, with humans colonising several planets in the galaxy. She was born on one of the more remote worlds as the only child of parents who worked in the mines. Her childhood was relatively uneventful, with most of her time being spent in the community education centre with other children her age. She showed talent in, if not making friends, at least gathering followers. She led her group in bullying the other children but stopped when she realised that none of them were interesting enough to be worth her time and attention. She transformed when she was 18 and found work as a smuggler. She worked her way up the ranks quickly but it was not enough for her. She killed her boss when she was 21 and stole his ship, becoming a mercenary instead and building up her own crew. Her recklessness and delusions of grandeur grew over time, but not enough to affect her ability to complete jobs. Rumours of her exploits eventually reached the galactic government, which sent a hyper-butterfly officer to investigate. As it turned out, he was the only one who ever came close to capturing her several times. His name was Bob and he had chosen an insectoid form for himself, compound eyes and all. He said that having four arms was convenient, but it gradually became clear that he shared her distaste for the ordinary and thirst for adventure. Needless to say, she was intrigued. This turned out to be her undoing, as he was able to catch her off-guard and sedate her in their last confrontation. His orders were to take her to government headquarters to be imprisoned, but he placed some blocks on her powers and brought her to Osmond's Institute instead. [b]Personality[/b]: Ryn enjoys showing off and proving her superiority over others, feeling that ordinary people are beneath her. She believes that everyone should admire her, but if not, their fear and cautious respect will suffice. She is scornful of those who dislike her and treat her with perceived disrespect, and will retaliate by any means within her power. Indifference frustrates her, and she will be driven to make them either admire or fear her. She can be surprisingly considerate to people who flatter or respect her, but will become suspicious of their motives and turn vindictive quickly. [b]Sexual Orientation[/b]: Heterosexual [b]Fears[/b]: Being outsmarted and humiliated, losing to others. [b]Capabilities[/b]: -Biological manipulation: Ryn can control any biological matter in the vicinity of her "wings". This is currently limited to affecting herself. Flesh and muscle can be formed quickly, but materials like bone or teeth take longer and are usually taken from elsewhere in her body. Ryn mostly uses this to keep her body in good condition and occasionally make some unsettling modifications (like tiny mouths on her fingertips). She needs to understand how any modifications would work before carrying them out. For example, if she wanted to eat through mouths on her hands, she would need to design a way for them to digest food and release the nutrients into her body. -Controlling intermolecular bonds: Due to mental blocks placed by Bob, this is limited to altering phase states of various substances. While she can flash boil water and create dry ice, she cannot melt metal or liquidise other gases in air. [b]Miscellaneous[/b]: She keeps herself meticulously clean and well-groomed. Threatening to move her to a room without a shower is a good way to get her to cooperate, as are rewards of hair conditioner and shampoo. [b]OOC Notes[/b]: Ryn does not think of herself as a hyper-butterfly, but as a human with extraordinary powers. Since everyone in the institute has powers, she would not automatically look down on anyone there. However, this will also make her even more keen to prove herself. If a confrontation occurs, she will not back down easily.