Mika could hear him growl in her his sigh when she tried to get out of her awkward and tight situation. She was finding it more and more difficult to keep her stupid secret, that she shouldn't even be keeping form him in the first place. She was just too damn scared. When Dean said about not having anything of hers, she couldn't help but get a flashback of that fateful last day that they were separated because her father wrongfully pulled them apart. Her head hurt as she remembered that horrendous day and she tightly closed her eyes shut until the memory subsided and she could reply to Dean. "W-what about the----" She began to ask him what he done with the first edition book of Pride and Prejudice she gave him on that day, but then knew she would give her identity, so she quickly stopped herself from continuing that question. "How come you don't have anything of hers? Did she not give you anything? Or vise versa that you found? How did you know it was her that was attacked, if you don't have any evidence that belonged to her?" She decided to re word her question and try to sound like it was just another case. Yet Dean kept asking about giving him something to go on, anything for him to just move on. She didn't know what to say- she wanted to say her usual "I don't know who she is" line, but she knew Dean just won't accept that anymore. She had to come up with something new, and she had a feeling he'd pick up on her changing what she was going to say, from where she nearly slipped up. She was now shaking, and wondered what she could possibly say that would get him off her back. At this point she was in tears, but fighting hard to not let it sound through down the phone. She wished Dean would just figure out who she is for her, then she can find the right words to explain why she kept this secret from him properly. She was so glad that Ethan had clients today, because if he came up the stairs seeing her in this state, it would make things all that more complicated. "Fine...." She sighed, taking a deep breath ready to say something. "......She was my distant cousin....."