[b]Rebellion[/b] The rebellion only seems to be heating up. The rebellion has spread across several planets and has managed to seize small sections of the AIF Fleet, and are using them to secure positions and attempt to fight off any Supreme Forces. Attacks by the rebels have been initiated on AIF Core worlds in attempts to seize them for a value. The New Roman Empire has also temporarily blocked trade and access to there space from the AIF, citing that they wish to wait for the rebellion to subside to prevent the violence from spreading into there space. [b]Cerberus[/b] Suddenly most AIF internal transmissions were hijacked, instead displaying a new symbol. [img]http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110303131149/masseffect/pl/images/6/61/Mass-effect-2-cerberus.jpg[/img] The message was as follows. "No longer should we have to follow the doctrine, and say we are inferior when we are superior. My fellow terragens, join Cerberus in forming the Empire that humanity truly deserves. Rebel against those who would impose there will upon you. Let us remove doctrine, and let us subject the inferior ones to our might!"