From the Jaeger's point of view, it was over in seconds. The heavy knife chopped down to neatly slice through muscle and bone to make a clean amputation, yet while leaving enough of a flap of skin on one side to later help clove over the exposed bone. There was no time for reflection or self-recrimination. Later on, Jötz would mentally debate in anguish on whether or not there was anything else he could have done at that point: Ivy had seemed oblivious to the danger, they were trapped in some forgotten room of some forgotten town or city, there was nothing even remotely resembling an antidote about, and the metamorphosis had been progressing so fast that waiting until they could seek help was out of the question. Yet when she whimpered that she was left handed, Jötz closed his eyes and swore in every language he knew plus some he wasn't so sure on. There was no time to dwell on it now, though. Ivy was losing blood rapidly, her already pale face growing whiter as she slipped into unconsciousness. With a deft motion, Jötz whipped off his belt to lash a tourniquet just below her elbow and above the truncated arm. A warrior by choice as well as design, the monster had an excellent gasp of battlefield medicine. He also had a few supplies for just such an emergency. The blood made the floor about her slick and warm, an annoying distraction as he fumbled through his kit for what he needed: a large needle, a small ball of sinew twine, and a clear vial containing a vivid green powder. This last he sprinkled liberally across the wound. The medicine would provide a sealant for the amputation, keeping it clean of infection while helping the flesh to knit close in a matter of hours instead of days or weeks. Once applied, the remaining flap of skin was sutured over the stump. When all was done and Meddleson's Miraculous Medical Powder had done its job, the stump where Ivy's lower arm once was would be healed without pain or agony... although there was the side effect that her eyes would glow purple for a day or so, but you couldn't have everything. Having done everything he could, Jötz picked her up and wrapped her in his cloak to keep her warm. The bedroll off of his pack made an impromptu pillow for her head. An examination found her breathing shallow but steady, and the color slowly ebbed back into her cheeks. Finally he sat back and stared at the severed limb while he took stock of the situation. It looked as though he had acted just in time. The rubbery azure flesh had reached well past the left wrist, turning her delicate hand into an amphibian's claw. Oddly enough, there was no shrinkage. Considering the size of the creatures, he thought there would have been. Unless of coarse Ivy had been about to transmogrify into another of the big ones. A queen perhaps? Had the big one once been a Spark as well, maybe even the one responsible for all of this? He shook his head grumpily. There was no use on dwelling on it now. Jötz finally stood and carried the severed limb out of sight, kicking dust and debris over the pool of blood that splattered across the ancient stone floor. Confident she was out cold but stable, he stripped the sticky and soaked clothing from off his furry body and discarded it in the direction of the arm after ripping off the buttons and anything else of use or of value. His second and only other set of clothes were not quite as rugged. The Jaeger could only hope they would hold up during the long journey to the nearest town. Brown woolen pants with leather patches at the knees, an off-white shirt that looked as if it belonged more on a poet than a green furred creature of destruction and a knee length vest of dark forest green. It was a fashion several decades out of date. Then again, he hadn't needed them in some time. Dressed in clean clothes, he sat back down besides Ivy. There was going to be shouting later, he knew. The girl was going to be upset with him, he was positive, and he hated the thought of it for some reason. It bothered him that she might be angry with him, and he did't quite know why. With a sigh, he took up her right hand and held it while he closed his eyes and did something he had not done in quite some time. He slept.